How To Assign A Public Static IP Address In Azure Using Azure Resource Manager

In this post I’m going to show you how to assign a public static IP address in Azure using Azure Resource Manager, if you are using the classic deployment model use this link.

Contrasting Classic Deployment With ARM
In ARM you don’t have a cloud service that is the container for your VM, load balancer, public IP and other functionality any more. The different components that make up your environment is clearly separated and you compose your environment by stitching together the pieces you need. For example, you can create a network interface card on it’s own, it doesn’t have to be part of a VM and you can move it between VMs or attach it to a load balancer etc. Same goes for your public IP addresses, load balancers, network groups etc. That said you can create everything you need for your environment in the same ARM template giving you that feeling of cohesion.

Creating A Public IP address Using The Portal
When you create a new VM in the portal the default setting is to create a new dynamic public IP address along with the VM. You can change it to be static or use an existing public IP address if need be or you can choose None if you don’t want your VM to be directly accessible from the internet.


Note that even if you choose to have a public IP address for your VM it won’t have a DNS name, at the time of writing you can’t assign a DNS name when you create the VM in the portal, you have to do it  afterwards, instructions here.

Creating a public IP address using ARM templates

  "apiVersion": "2015-06-15",
  "type": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
  "name": "mynewpublicip",
  "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
  "properties": {
  "publicIPAllocationMethod": "static", //or dynamic
    "dnsSettings": {
    "domainNameLabel": "testing8423"

The DNS settings are optional and will create a DNS entry with your label and the name of the Azure region for example: On your NIC template you reference the public IP address.

 "name": "defaultNICName",
  "dependsOn": [
 "properties": {
 "ipConfigurations": [
  "name": "DefaultNicIpconfig",
  "properties": {
  "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",
  "publicIPAddress": {
   "id":"[resourceId(Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses       /mynewpublicip)]"

Note: I removed some of the JSON elements for sake of readability.

Creating a public IP address using PowerShell
I didn’t try it myself since I’ve been using ARM Templates of late but it looks easy enough. You create a new public IP address with New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress and then you create a new NIC and assign the IP address to it using New-AzureRmNetworkInterface and the -PublicIpAddress or -PublicIpAddressID parameter.

New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name IPName -AllocationMethod Static/Dynamic -ResourceGroupName ... 

New-AzureRmNetworkInterface-PublicIpAddress<PSPublicIpAddress> -ResourceGroupName... -IpConfiguration ... -Location ... -Name ...

White Listing Public IPs
When you create a new public IP address you get one from the block of IP addresses Microsoft owns, so you can’t choose a specific one. If you have a requirement to white list specific public IP addresses for the long term you’ll have to create the public static IP upfront and retrieve the allocated IP address.  You can assign the public IPs to NICs as required. You can white list a range of Azure IP addresses downloaded from here but that isn’t always practical.

Francois Delport