Getting Started With C#, .NET Core And VSCode

Getting Started With C#, .NET Core And VSCode is quite different from Visual Studio and the full .NET framework. In this post I’m going to share what I learnt to get you up and running quickly with your first .NET Core C# console application on Windows.

What to install

Apart from VSCode you also need the .NET Core SDK which installs the .NET Core CLI tools required by VSCode, you can find the SDK here. In VSCode you have to install the C# extension.

Create A New C# Project

You can’t import solutions from Visual Studio into VSCode, best way seems to be creating a new project and adding the .cs files you need. To keep things  organised create a new empty folder to store the project. In VSCode open the empty folder




and run

dotnet new 

in the terminal to create a new console application in the folder. You will see a program.cs and {projectname}.csproj file. VSCode will warn you that additional assets are required to build and debug the application, select yes to install them or else the build and debug tasks won’t work later on. You can see a list of templates available by running 

dotnet new -all

Build And Run A C# Project

To build your project select Run Build Task from the Tasks menu and select Build in the next dropdown.

You can also build your project from the command line by running

dotnet restore
dotnet build

Debugging is pretty much self explanatory select it from the Debug menu or press F5. To run your application without debugging run

dotnet run

in the terminal.

Adding .NET Core References And Packages

VSCode is a handy little editor but not really meant for large projects, that said if you really want to use it for a non-trivial application you will probably split the solution into multiple projects and organise your code in folders.

To add source files contained in sub folders to your project select Add Folder to Workspace.







Adding references to your project basically entails editing the .csproj file but there are dotnet commands or extensions to make it easier

To add a project reference run

dotnet add {yourproject.csproj} reference otherproject.csproj

The path to your project is optional if the project is in the current directory.

To add nuget packages run

dotnet add package PackageName

Alternatively install the Nuget Package Manager extension and use the Command Palette.

To reference a DLL install the Add Local .NET Reference extension and use the Command Palette.





.NET Core itself is broken up into packages that you add as you need them. For example if you need Linq run

dotnet add package System.Linq

There are also Metapackages that contain groups of related packages, more here.

VSCode and .NET Core is still evolving and some tasks can only be accomplished using the CLI tools the CLI reference can be found here.

Francois Delport