Adding Custom Log Files To OMS Log Analytics

In this post I will be adding custom log files to OMS Log Analytics. Custom log files give you the ability to add plain text logs into Log Analytics. Depending on your situation it might be easier to first explore structured logging options like Windows Event Log, Syslog or Application Insights since custom logs have a few limitations.

Configure Custom Logs

At the time of writing custom logs was still in preview, to use it you have to enable the feature in the OMS portal under Settings -> Preview Features. If you are using the Azure portal and the feature is not enabled you won’t see the + button to add a custom log. Once you have custom logs enabled you can use the OMS portal or Azure portal to add a custom log. In the OMS portal open the settings menu by clicking the gear icon in the top right. Under the Data -> Custom Logs menu you will see an Add button to add a custom log.

Adding Custom Log Files To OMS Log Analytics

It is a pretty simple process, just follow the wizard to select a sample file, choose the record delimiter which can be a timestamp or newline, specify the paths to monitor and provide a name for the custom log. Make sure you give the custom log a reasonable name since you will be using it as the identifier in queries.

Take note of the restrictions for custom logs which can be found here. If your custom logs violate any of the criteria they won’t show up in Log Analytics. My custom logs took 30 minutes to show up in Log Analytics but your mileage can vary.

Custom Fields

Log Analytics will store data from the custom log text files in a single field called RawData. To get anything useful out of the custom logs you have to create custom fields over the data. Custom fields are not unique to custom logs you can extract custom fields from any existing fields.

To create a custom field execute a search query that displays the field you want to extract from. In the case of your custom log the table name will be the custom log name. Once you have the results, click on the ellipse to the left of the field name and choose ‘Extract Fields From …’.

Adding Custom Log Files To OMS Log Analytics










On the next screen you can highlight the data you want to extract and match it against current records to refine the extraction process. You can click on records in the search results to further modify the extraction process.

Adding Custom Log Files To OMS Log Analytics

Once you are satisfied with the result save the extraction, detailed instructions here.

Take note, if you create a new custom field your existing data won’t be updated with the new custom field. The custom field will only show on new records ingested by Log Analytics after the custom field was created.

Francois Delport

Azure Log Analytics Query Quick Start

This post is an Azure Log Analytics query quick start to get you up and running with queries in a few minutes. It follows on my previous post showing some of the common tasks performed in Azure Log Analytics. The official documentation can be found here.

Query Syntax

Queries in Azure Log Analytics start with a data table name followed by query operators and optionally rendering instructions. Data is piped from one operator to the next using a pipe sign.

 | where Computer like "webserver" and EventID == 14
 | summarize count() by Computer
 | render barchart

Common Query Operators

Summarize : Similar to the SQL Group By statement it applies one or more aggregations with optionally one or more grouping expressions. For example to see how many events were logged per computer and when the last one was logged

| summarize count(Computer), max(TimeGenerated) by Computer, EventLevelName

Distinct: Returns distinct values from one or more column(s)

Event | distinct Computer

Bin: Groups records into bins and works on numbers and dates. For example if you wanted to see how many events were logged per hour.

Event | summarize count(EventID) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)

Or group events by their eventid in bins of 1000.

Event | summarize count(EventID) by bin(EventID, 1000)

Or aggregate events by eventid and group on EventLevelName per day. For example to see the failed versus successful entries per day

Event | summarize count(EventID) by EventLevelName , bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)

Join: Just like your typical SQL join.

Event | join kind=inner (SecurityEvent) on Computer

Let: Let stores a value in a variable, the values can be tabular query results or any user supplied value. The variable can then be used in queries. For example if you have to join results from two very long queries or store constants used in your queries.

let errors = Event | ... very long query ...| summarize Count = count(EventID) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h);

let memory = Perf | ... very long query ... | summarize avg(CounterValue) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated,1h);

errors | join kind= inner (memory) on TimeGenerated

Project: Selects the columns to include in the query result, just like SQL Select statement.

Parse: Parse text into columns, it is a long explanation link here. It is really handy to extract data into columns from free-form text like custom log files.

Event| where EventLog == "DPM Backup Events"| parse RenderedDescription with * "Backup job for datasource: " ServerName " on " *

In this example RenderedDescription looked like this:
Backup job for datasource: SomeServerName on production server: SomeDPMServerName completed succcessfully…“.

The section between the qoutes are the “guide” string to look for, including the spaces and ServerName is new column name to extract.

Render: Renders a chart, too many options to mention here look at the documentation.

| where Computer like "local" and EventID == 14
| summarize count() by Computer
| render piechart

Extend: Create calculated columns.

Event | extend RequiresAttention = iif(EventLevel == 4, "Yes", "No" )
Scope: You can create queries that span multiple applications and workspaces. Use the app() and workspace() expression to include other Application Insights applications and OMS workspaces in your query.
Datetime: You can use basic arithmetic on datetime values. You can subtract two datetime values to get a timespan value representing the difference between them. You can add or subtract a timespan value from a datetime value. You can use todatetime() to convert literals to datetime values. You can find the list of supported literals here. As per the documentation try to stick to ISO8610 date formats.
Case Sensitivity: String comparisons are case insensitive except for ==. There are case sensitive equivalents for most comparison operators ending in “_cs”
Entity names and query operator names are case sensitive.


Francois Delport

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

In this post I’m going to give a quick overview of some the common tasks you can perform in OMS using queries. If you are looking for an Azure Log Analytics query quick start you can find it here. You can also find the official documentation here.

Lookup Tables

To create your own lookup tables you create a query that will return the desired results. Save the query and provide a function name for it. The function name will be the identifier you use to reference the lookup table in queries. In this example AllComputers is the lookup table/function

Event | join kind= inner (
) on Computer

Computer Groups

Computer groups are basically a specialised lookup table. You can use it in queries or other OMS functionality that act on a group of machines like scheduling updates. To create a computer group follow the procedure to create a lookup table but select the “Save this query as computer group” option to save it as a computer group instead of a plain lookup table.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

Creating Custom Alerts

Alerts are based on queries that execute on a schedule, if the query returns any records the alert is triggerd. To setup an alert you start with a query to check for the alert condition. Click on the alert button on the top left to open the alert rule screen and configure your alert rules. Out of interest take a look at the actions the alert rule can perform on the right hand side, you can execute Azure Automation Runbooks or webhooks to create self healing systems  or generate work items in your ITSM application.

UPDATE: Alerts are now created in the Monitor blade of the Portal in the Alerts menu -> Manage Alert Rules.

Create Custom OMS Dashboards

To create custom dashboards you use the View Designer which can be opened by clicking the green plus sign on the left panel. Double click the tile you want for your overview tile and fill in a query that will be used to populate the tile. This will be the tile you see on the home screen.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

Add additional tiles to the view dashboard tab. These will be displayed when you click on the overview tile in the home screen.

Create Custom OMS Dashboards For Azure

To create custom dashboards for Azure from your OMS data you have to create a shared Azure dashboard first, more info here. The functionality to pin the dashboard is not in the OMS query screen, it is in the Azure Log Analytics screen. On the OMS query screen click on Advanced Analytics to open Azure Log Analytics in a new window.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

Create your query in Azure Log Analytics and click on the pin on the right hand side to pin the chart to a shared Azure dashboard.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

You can read more about OMS and Azure integration in this post.

It is a bit confusing having functionality split between OMS and Azure Log Analytics but eventually all the querying functionally will be in Azure Log Analytics.

OMS PowerBI Integration

There are two ways to use PowerBI with OMS. The first and simplest but more manual way is to export a query to PowerBI by clicking on the PowerBI button in the OMS query screen.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

This will download your current query as a query text file that you can then import in PowerBI.

The second and more streamlined method is to link your OMS account to PowerBI but this requires an organisational/paid PowerBI account. In OMS in the settings menu click on Accounts and Connect To PowerBI account.

OMS Log Analytics Common Tasks

Francois Delport