Out Parameters, Nested Classes, Specifying A Proxy, Modules And Local Variables And Debugging Jobs In PowerShell

In post I’m going to cover out parameters, nested classes, specifying a proxy, modules and local variables and debugging jobs in PowerShell

Calling .NET Functions With Out Parameters
When you call a .NET function that requires an out parameter you have to cast the parameter as a System.Management.Automation.PSReference object by using a [ref] cast. Apart from the cast you also have to initialize the variable, this didn’t seem obvious at first since you don’t have to do it in .NET but in PowerShell you have to.

$parsedip = New-Object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList 1
[System.Net.IPAddress]::TryParse("", [ref] $parsedip)

Using Nested .NET Classes In PowerShell
Usually you don’t come across nested classes very often but when you do they have different syntax from other classes. To access a nested class use the + sign before the name of the nested class instead of a full stop.


Specifying A Proxy At Script Level
If you want to specify a proxy that will be used for web requests but you can’t or don’t want to change the proxy settings machine wide you can specify it in your script.

$proxyString = "http://someserver:8080"
$proxyUri = new-object System.Uri($proxyString)
[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = new-object System.Net.WebProxy ($proxyUri, $true)

Modules And Local Variables
Variables declared local to a module will not hold their value between function calls to the module. For example if you create a counter that is incremented every time you call a function in the module that variable will be created as a new local  variable every time the function begins execution. To reference the same variable between function calls you have to declare it at script scope. This will not clash with variables declared in scripts that use the module if they also have a variable with the same name declared in script scope.

$script:localvar = 0

function DoOne
 write-output "DoOne : $script:localvar"
 $script:localvar += 1

Debugging Jobs
Since jobs start their own Powershell.exe process when you run them you can’t step into the code from your IDE even if you have a breakpoint set in the script. You have to use the Debug-Job cmdlet in your script running the job to start a debug session to the remote process. It will start debugging at the currently executing line in the job. If you want the job to wait for you at a specific line so you can start debugging at that point use the Wait-Debugger cmdlet in the script being executed by the job.

Francois Delport

Published by

Francois Delport

I am a cloud and devops consultant, technology fan and previously a professional C# developer with a keen interest in system design and architecture. Currently I am involved in projects using Azure, the Microsoft stack and DevOps. I am based in Melbourne, Australia. Email: [email protected]

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